DOI : Digital Object Identifier (デジタルオブジェクト識別子) 1998年8月〜12月 DOI TopPage |
980826:The International DOI Foundation (IDF:国際DOI財団),関連サイト Top DOI TopPage |
◆IDFのワークショップ開催,ドキュメント公開. ◇ Discuss-DOI
◆DOI Workshop が,これまでに4回行われています.
◆EDItEUR には,"EDItEUR EDI Implementation Guidelines"[ローカル:Brian_Green],Electronic Forumがある.
情報化社会の著作権関連文献:コピーマートなど Top DOI TopPage |
●中野潔. 知的財産権ビジネス戦略--情報立社時代の著作権ビジネス百考--. オーム社, 1997.11, 246p. ISBN:4-274-94856-0
●山本隆司訳. 情報社会における著作権および関連権 欧州委員会グリーンペーパー(1995年7月19日). 著作権情報センター, 1995.10, 104p.
●山本隆司訳. 知的所有権及び全米情報基盤: 知的所有権作業部会報告 米国ホワイトペーパー(1995年9月).著作権情報センター, 1995.12, 208p. オリジナルは,IITF Bulletin board <gopher://> より入手可能
●マルチメディア時代における著作物の権利処理と流通に関する総合的研究(NIRA研究報告書No.970101). 総合研究開発機構, 1997, 171p.
Copyright Management System)
電子図書館の動向と学術情報流通 (長文)
電子図書館の動向と課題― 進化する図書館 ―
情報ビッグバンと著作権 (「新潟大学図書館だより」,No.79,'97.11.7)
ネットワークの時代からコンテンツの時代へ (長文)へ
980812:Ann Shumelda Okerson さん Top DOI TopPage |
"The World of Licensing: Issues, Concerns, and Promises," Canadian Association of Research Libraries Workshop, Ottawa, 27 October 1997.
"Recent Trends in Scholarly Electronic Publishing," Seminar on Multimedia Scholarly Publishing, Helsinki, May 29, 1997
"The Transition to Electronic Content Licensing: The Institutional Context in 1997," Scholarly Communication and Technology Conference of the Andrew. W. Mellon Foundation, Emory University, April 24-25, 1997
"Licensing Perspectives: The Library View," ARL/CNI Licensing Symposium, San Francisco, December 8, 1996
"Buy or Lease? Two Models for Scholarly Information at the End (or the Beginning) of an Era", Daedalus; Journal of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Fall, 1996. Vol. 125, No. 4, pp. 55-76. Special issue on libraries called "Books, Bricks, and Bytes"
"What Academic Libraries Need in Electronic Content Licenses," Presentation to the STM Library Relations Committee, STM Annual General Meeting, October 1, 1996
"Crazy about Consortia," Presentation to the National Federation of Abstracting and Indexing Services, Philadelphia, September 1996
"Some Economic Challenges in Building Electronic Libraries: A Librarian's View," Presentation at the IFLA Congress, Beijing, August 1996 Program of the Acquistions and Collections Development Section
"Colleges Urged to Protect Rights in Licensing Negotiations," article by Robert Jacobson, Chronicle of Higher Education, 5 July 1996, pp. A15ff, featuring interview with A.S. Okerson.
"Who Owns Digital Works?"Scientific American, July 1996, pp. 80-83.
"A Librarian's View of Some Economic Issues in Electronic Scientific Publishing," UNESCO Invitational Meeting on the Future of Scientific Information (Paris, February 1996): DRAFT
"Whose article is it anyway? Copyright and intellectual property for researchers in the 90s," Notices of the AMS, January 1996. [ローカル未録画]
"Oh Lord, Won't You Buy Me A Mercedes Benz; Or, There is a There There," Surfaces 4(1994) 103.
Introductory Synopsis contained in University Libraries and Scholarly Communication (Washington 1992), xv-xxix (a Mellon Foundation study published by the Association of Research Libraries) [ローカル未録画]
"Remembrance of Things Past, Present...and Future?", with Kendon Stubbs, Publishers Weekly, July 27, 1992: 22-23
"Back to Academia? The Case for American Universities to Publish Their Own Research," Logos 2/2 (1991) 106-12.
"With Feathers: Effects of Ownership on Scholarly Publishing," College and Research Libraries (1991) 425-38.
"The Refereed Electronic Journal: What, Whence, and When," Public Access Computer Systems Review 2, no. 1 (1991): 5-24
"The Library Doomsday Machine," with Kendon Stubbs, Publishers Weekly, February 8, 1991: 36-37
"Periodical Prices: A History and Discussion," Advances in Serials Management, Volume 1, November, 1986
"Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil? Academic Publishing, Copyright, and Other Miasmas"
of Electronic Journals, Newsletters, and Academic Discussion Lists,
5th ed. (1995): Foreword by Ann Okerson [所蔵]
(The 7th edition,
1997 is also available.) [未所蔵]
and Opportunities in Electronic Publishing: Proceedings from the Second
Symposium (1992)
The Visions and Opportunities series is specifically aimed for
the not-for-profit scholarly and research publishing community, and its
objective is to promote information-sharing and discussion among people
interested in developing the potentials of electronic publishing and particularly
of networked distribution. Edited by Ann Okerson. March 1993. [ローカル未録画:所蔵]
Gatekeepers, and Roles in the Information Omniverse -- Proceedings from
the Third Symposium (1993)
Aimed at not-for-profit publishers, scholars, and library managers,
a broad array of presentations at the 1993 Symposium explored electronic
publishing issues such as economics and copyright. Proceedings report new
developments and consider the significance and prospects of the growing
cooperation between libraries and university press publishers. Edited by
Ann Okerson. February 1994. [ローカル未録画:所蔵]
Filling the
Pipeline, Paying the Piper -- Proceedings from the Fourth Symposium
The 1994 Symposium reported on numerous practical applications under
way and concentrated its plenary papers on the real world economics and
administration of economic publishing. Edited by Ann Okerson. February
1995. (This publication is currently available from ARL in book form only.)
Reports of the
AAU Task Forces
Three task forces established by the AAU Research Libraries Project,
comprising librarians, faculty, and university administrators, present
their reports on intellectual property, foreign acquisitions, and scientific
and technical information. The reports examine the changing nature of scholarly
communication, including the cost of managing research library collections
and the robust deployment of new technologies in support of scholarship.
May 1994. [ローカル未録画]
Journals at the Crossroads: A Subversive Proposal for Electronic Publishing.
This volume, edited by Ann Shumelda Okerson and James J. O'Donnell
(1995), offers print publication of a widely-discussed series of e-mail
exchanges in the summer and fall of 1994 debating Stevan Harnad's radical
proposal for the reform of scientific publishing. [ローカル未録画]